This is the complete second of edition 13-week Clarity Pages journal which includes:
- Goal Planning
- Goal Getting
- Calendar (3 months)
- Hello Week
- Goodbye Week
- Good Morning
- Good Night
- Welcome Weekend
These journal pages were designed to capture your thoughts, ideas, to-do lists, and goal-oriented actions and decisions.
Clarity Pages is a 13-week journal that provides a holistic approach to goal setting and personal accountability.
Why 13 weeks?
- True habit formation takes up to 8 weeks.
- Motivation behind goals is strongest in 2-3 month stretches.
13-week bundle: $40
Individual pages value: $56
- 208 page digital download
- Undated
- ISBN: 978-1-7336548-2-1
Copyright 2018 Mariposa Strategies. All rights reserved.
Second Edition, 2019.
CLARITY is a registered trademark.
For personal use only.
No reuse, distribution, commercial use or resale allowed.