Here I have pulled together a collection of practices that can be used together or on their own to cultivate ease throughout your week. These are tools I uses with clients in my coaching and consulting business.
I work with leaders and creators juggling many responsibilities and projects, so the resources I provide are designed to be practical and useable…right away.
My approach to sharing information comes from my heart, no BS.
"When you understand what you want and need, including the I-need-to-get-shit-done and I-want-to-feel-good stuff, and you honor all of it, you are going to get through your days feeling more balanced and grounded."
Included are practices for:
Defining your balance
Determining what matters most right now
Setting up and navigating your week
Setting meaningful goals
How to follow through
© 2020 Annie Sanchez. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-7336548-4-5
30 pages
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